Entries by Ritualize

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Be Kind To Yourself

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete…” – Buddha We know that feeling compassionate towards others is a good trait to have. Feeling compassionate means we are aware and are moved by the suffering of others. Research is showing that being compassionate towards other can increase our well-being.The part of the brain […]


Sleep, Focus and Cognitive Performance

Do you wake up feeling exhausted?  Or have trouble concentrating at work? Or maybe your tolerance levels are lower than usual. It might be you are not getting enough sleep. Cognitive performance is our ability to utilise the knowledge acquired by the mental processes in our brains. A well-functioning brain controls a range of voluntary […]

Don’t Drink Your Calories

When we’re thirsty, most of us have a huge range of beverages to choose from, but many of these are doing a lot more than quenching our thirst. What regular drinkers of sweetened beverages may not realise is they are adding to their daily energy (or calorie) intake. Australians are drinking a lot of sugar […]

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Your Brain Needs Water

In order for our brains to function optimally, we need to ensure we stay hydrated.  Brain cells need water (amongst other things) to operate or they will quickly lose efficiency when the balance is lost.  Drinking water is not just about quenching thirst.  Studies have shown that dehydration can actually cause the brain to shrink, […]

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Talk to alleviate stress

There are many ways to deal with stress.  Exercise, mindfulness, spending time in nature are all effective ways to manage your stress. There is another way to manage stress which is very simple and incredibly effective – talking. In military settings, research has shown that soldiers of war who talked about the stress they experienced […]

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Being grateful makes us happier

Imagine feeling thankful and full of joy on an ongoing basis. A major step in that direction is through a daily gratitude ritual. Each day expressing thankfulness and appreciation in all parts of your life for both the big and small things alike means you concentrate on what have, not what you don’t have enough […]